
Citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10
Citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10

  1. Citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10 install#
  2. Citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10 full#

$InstallLocation=$env:AllUsersProfile + “Application Data” If (($OSVersionNo.Build -eq 2600) -or ($OSVersionNo.Build -eq 3790))

Citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10 install#

#Get the correct location of install directory Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $ArgumentList -wait $ArgumentList = “/x” + “” + ” /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress /quiet” #Uninstall old clients that use GUIDs, 11.000 and below Stop-Process -ProcessName wfcrun32 -force #Kill Citrix Client Processses that prevent uninstall #*FileName: Citrix_Client_Uninstall_and_Install.ps1

citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10

See eDocs for the command line install options $ArgumentList= Add or remove all your required features including updating SERVER_LOCATION with the path to your services site. N.B This path needs to be in your I.E Local intranet sites to prevent a Open File – Security Warning appearing

citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10

Citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10 full#

$InstallFiles= Enter the full path to the CitrixReceiverEnterprise.exe.

citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10

Under the #InstallReceiver section you need to edit It first kills the processes that can prevent uninstall and then at the end it checks that PnSson is in the network binding provider order as I have been having problems with this and it stops single sign on working. The script should work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, and Windows 2008 R2 but I haven’t tested it on all so let me know if you get an issues. This script will uninstall ALL versions of Citrix online plugin AND Receiver and then install Citrix Receiver, it should work for any version of Receiver but I wrote it for 3.4.

Citrix xenapp web plugin windows 10